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Test Prep

Information for Examinees

Paper Testing Resources

You may use the resources below to prepare for the ACT taken on paper.

Taking the ACT (PDF)

Taking the ACT contains important policy information that examinees need to know for test day. It also contains instructions for completing the non-test portions of the answer document.

Preparing for the ACT (Paper) English (PDF)

Preparing for the ACT (Paper) - Spanish (PDF)

Preparing for the ACT is a free, comprehensive guide that includes information on what to expect on test day, strategies for preparing for the tests, and practice tests in each subject. The practice tests will help you get familiar with the instructions and format of the test, as well as the types of questions to expect. You can then score your practice tests amd see the correct answers.

Online Testing Resources

You may use the resources below to prepare for the ACT taken online.

Taking the ACT (PDF)

Taking the ACT contains important policy information that examinees need to know for test day. It also contains instructions for completing the non-test questions

Preparing for the ACT Taken Online (PDF)

Preparing for the ACT Taken Online is a free guide available as a PDF for download. Use this guide while taking the online practice tests. It contains instructions for the practice tests and answer keys to score your practice test results. It also has information about navigating the online testing system to help you prepare for what to expect on test day.

To take a practice test, download the installable TestNav application for your operating system: Download TestNav


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